Body Fuel Express Middelburg
Body Fuel Express Middelburg https://stagerace.ridethekaroo.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/30624497_1677428842349866_7327816230204406281_n.jpg 851 318 RideTheKaroo | RideTheKaroo | https://stagerace.ridethekaroo.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/30624497_1677428842349866_7327816230204406281_n.jpgWe’re excited to have Body Fuel Express Middelburg on board as one of our water point hosts at Lormar! They will be serving you with ice cold drinks and off course the famous koeksisters! The Lormar water points aren’t your normal water points but serve home made vetkoekies, cooked potatoes, koeksisters and ice cold drinks. If you’re lucky you might get a beer or coffee from the hosting staff.
Do fill up your bottles when you drive through Middelburg, staying hydrated in the Karoo is a must 😉