2022 Pics and Results.
2022 Pics and Results. https://stagerace.ridethekaroo.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/RTK-295-2.jpg 1000 667 RideTheKaroo | RideTheKaroo | https://stagerace.ridethekaroo.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/RTK-295-2.jpgA BIG WHOLEHEARTED THANK YOU!
We wholeheartedly would like to thank every participant for traveling to the Karoo for the event and adding to the special memories and unique fun experiences made by participants each year. Hopefully, you have many happy memories of the event you could take home and share with your friends and family.
Make sure to look out for our upcoming events and experience more unique flavours and scenery of our beautiful country.
We hope to see you and your family again soon.
UrbanGoat Team
We want to improve on our event recipe and would like to hear your insights on the ingredients we got right and on which ones we need to switch out for better ones. Give us your review on all the things we managed to cook right and what we might have undercooked.


Did you remember to smile and strike a pose ?
You will find out soon …
Click below to view the race album.
This is what it all comes down to…RESULTS!
Let’s see if you got a Personal Best!
If you have any result queries please email us at info@urbangoat.co.za