Riders meet your MC! Gerald de Kock
Riders meet your MC! Gerald de Kock https://stagerace.ridethekaroo.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/j8N8loJU-1024x683.jpeg 1024 683 RideTheKaroo | RideTheKaroo | https://stagerace.ridethekaroo.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/j8N8loJU-1024x683.jpegThe mountain biking legend Gerald de Kock
Gerald is a well known sports commentator and overall great personality!
He will be sure to keep the spirits high during the course of the weekend and keeping you up to date on anything and everything you will need to know over the course of the Lormar Endurance weekend!!
#UltimateKarooExperience #UltimateMC #GeralddeKock #MTBLegend